Therapy for Children


Lately it feels like your child’s emotions are so big. You know how it is; they refuse to get dressed, refuse to listen, throw a fit if you give them strawberries since what they were wanting were grapes, etc. They flail their arms and scream in the middle of Target when they can’t have the toy they want, hit their peers or siblings, or are maybe overly clingy to you as the parent/caregiver. There may be problems at daycare or school, frequent phone calls from frustrated caregivers, or recurring sleep issues and nightmares.

As a parent it’s understandable that you’re feeling stressed out. Seeing your child experience these emotions breaks your heart. If the interventions you’ve tried have been unsuccessful despite your best intentions and you need support in figuring out what to do next, therapy may be helpful!

I can help your child work on a specific concern, learn age-appropriate coping skills, and make sure they are better equipped to handle challenges and stressors in the future. Sometimes there are external events that impact families such as divorce, losing a parent/caregiver, moving to a new place, etc. that therapy can help support.

In addition to working with your child, I will help you explore and navigate the intensity of their feelings with confidence, care, and compassion. You’ll learn new ways of responding and be prepared for ways handle all the “no’s,” and “I don’t want to’s.” whether at home on in the aisles of Target.

If you’re ready for fewer meltdowns, less conflict, better coping, and happier feelings for you and your child - Let’s connect and talk about how I can help!

Click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation